Sunday, December 7, 2008

"bila kau kembali.. bila kau kembali nanti.."

lamanya gua tak menaip kat sini. bukan tak cuba, dah banyak kali, pastu aku cam lost of words just like that *start dah manglish aku*.

masih awal la kot untuk aku recap 2008. banyak yang dah berlaku kan. awal tahun yang palat, tengah tahun yang gampang, akhir tahun yang sedikit membahagiakan *smile winn smile*. i thought 2008 would bring me nothing but luck. and i was wrong.

untuk kali yang ke-sejuta, terima kasih. to have a little bit of me in all of your hearts *you know who you are kan kan ;)*. to catch me when i pushed myself into the deepest hole (ferrr!! takuttt!!). because regardless all that shits, i've learned. and i lived.

to amyz and sya, you guys are soooooooo out of our single-and-loving-it league. hahaha. buat baby cepat-cepat. bukan susah pun kan.. hehehe.

to lin and *ehem* aie, kau orang pun dah kira boleh resign from the club. although it's unofficial. i can run the club on my own, you know. cewah.

to myself, hmm, it's okay to be different. it's okay to be cruel once in a while. it's okay to have a relationship that no one would understand. it's okay to fall and get crushed. it's okay to dream big when you know you ain't go/getting nowhere. it's okay to show what you're made of once in a while. it's okay to let go. it's okay to be introvert when needed. it's okay to be ugly and stupid. it's okay when no one remembers you.

all in all, everything will be okay. think for 10 seconds before you say anything. think 30 seconds before you decide to buy anything (hahaha!).

and i think it's okay to miss a not-so-stranger who is currently on his way back to penang for aidiladha. which i unconsciously dialled his number this morning, talked to him in the most *ehem* sexy voice ever, and all that i could remember is saying, "awak dah sampai karang sms kita ek. take care". the rest of the conversation, aku rasa cam aku tak ingat apa aku cakap. mati la. selalu macam ni tau.

ok lah. selamat hari raya aidiladha to all. hari-hari kita kena berkorban; hati, jiwa dan akal.

*cewaahhh! :p*

1 style(s):

Amyz! said...

not-single-but-still-loving-it league. hihik. ;-)

baby? err.. after study can laa.. sekarang tak bleh la bebeh~ haha.

but what ever it is, even worst ever happened to us, still, Allah always knows the best for us. Insya Allah. I always pray for your happiness sweetheart. I do~
