Saturday, July 26, 2008


A month. Almost.
Busying juggle with so many things.
Busying to put a priority.
But on top of that envy.
Envy because they get that opportunity in young number.
But seriously some part they don't know how to handle it.
Envy because I should be in that place now.
I be in that place once but its too short time.
And really hope I'll be there again.
So I have the opportunity to avoid or correct their mistake.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

hari yang penuh dengan magis.

bila orang yang lebih tua, dalam lingkungan usia 65 - 70 tahun datang lalu menegur kami dengan penuh sopan, dan dengan selambanya dia cakap, "you guys are so ceria. your laughter are so full of happiness and joy". mau kami tak pengsan?

tambahan pula bila dia ada anak lelaki yang kacak. memandu toyota camry dengan penuh macho.


hampir pengsan dan tercabut nyawa. mata terus jadi kaler pink dan hati berbunga-bunga. hahahaha.

*kah kah kah :p*

Monday, July 21, 2008

selamat hari isnin!

1. gigi aku sakit balik. ok, sure korang suruh aku pi jumpa dentist kan tapi sory laa.. aku memang tak suka jumpa doktor ni. well, err.. unless dia hensem, tinggi, putih, chinese-look, single, bukan duda, tak kurus sangat, pendiam, gila, dengar cakap, suka kaler biru, ...

2. is it ok kalau aku bohong about something, and want it to be that way, untuk kesejahteraan semua pihak? sebab aku rasa ni je jalan penyelesaian yang logik.

3. lately, aku rasa tak sedap hati. something fishy is going on. aku tak tau la apa strategi 'orang tu' tapi aku dapat rasa la macam dia tengah plan something. so, aku rasa aku nak pergi menyiasat. jangan gelak. aku serius ni okeh!

4. seminggu je tinggal untuk dapat apa yang dihajati. hi hi hi. aku sanggup tak beli kasut semata-mata nak simpan duit! huh! dah laa memang kena revamp wardrobe (ok, the real resason is because budak baru ramai nak masuk. kena la dress-up sikit kan).

5. apa je point entry ni? none. aku try to distract myself from the pain. in which, macam tak berkesan pun? baik tido jek!

Friday, July 18, 2008

hello people!

thanks sya.

what goes around comes around?

oh. saya ada satu confession.

minggu ini, bunyi ombak adalah bunyi yang paling seksi.
hahahahaha don't ask!

p/s: feels good to be back here :)

Pernah dengar?

What goes around, comes around.
What goes square, I'll make sure it'll be fair!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Forgive and forget...

Forgive and forget. That's what they say. It's good advice, but it's not very practical.

True enough. How can you forget about things that hurt you the most? Apatah lagi apabila ianya melibatkan maruah kita. My dignity, my pride. Selama ini kita ingat dia baik dengan kita tanpa sebarang niat lain. Tapi rupanya, sekadar untuk melancarkan kerjanya. Dan apabila tiba masanya, kita tak mahu lagi menurut arahannya (she's not my boss... the he*ll with her order!), dia memburukkan kita. Adilkah begitu?

Adil itu tidak murah. Tidak pernah percuma. There is a price you have to pay! In my case, maruah aku di injak-injak sesuka hati. Aku dipersalahkan kerana menjalankan tugas dengan baik (terlebih baik mungkin sehingga orang memuji aku dan bukan kamu!).

When someone hurts us...we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right.

Again, it is absolutely true. I'm not deaf (oh, maybe a tone deaf. coz', I can't do a karaoke :p), I'm not blind, I'm not even a puppet. Sooner or later, if not me, someone else will hurt you more than what you did to me! Ingatlah, Allah itu Maha Esa. Dia masih dan akan terus berkuasa ke atas umatNya.

What you did, yes, it's hurt and I want to hurt you back even more. But, there's no rushing to it. I still got plenty of time. Well, wise man says, "Don't get mad, get sweet revenge!" I'll wait for the right moment to the taste the sweetnest of revenge on you ;)

Without forgiveness, old scores are never settled...old wounds never heal.

How I could forgive you when you never say sorry and explain to me things that you have told others about me? Mengata orang tu memang seronok, kan? Tetapi memohon kemaafan itu tidak pernah mudah...

And the most we can hope for is that one day we'll be lucky enough to forget.

I hope so. But, sorry... I can't. That's how I learn. I don't want the same people bringing the same problem to me twice.

Hey, thanks for the opportunity you gave me. To get to know you, to learn working with someone like you. I'll work even better than you did. I'll treat others who works with me with respect. Insya-Allah!

Credit: Quotation taken from Grey's Anatomy, Season 4, Episode 4.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

And I Cry...

I hope life treats you kind
And I hope you have all you've dreamed of.
And I wish to you, joy and happiness..

No, I won't wish for your love anymore.

Cause I already have the man I've been dreaming of right now. But I'm not a heartless person. I pray for you happiness and wish the best of your life.

Please. Take care. :-)

So, goodbye. Please, don't cry.
We both know I'm not what you, you need..

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Cinta Tak Datang Hanya Sekali...

Bisikku pada bulan
Kembalikan temanku
Kekasihku, syurgaku

Tanpa dia malam menemaniku
Sepi memelukku

Bulan jangan biar siang biar malam ini kelam
Biar ia sepi sepertiku


Orang yang duduk di kerusi bahagian atas saya beberapa kali menendang-nendang kerusi saya ketika menonton SEPI. nak je saya sound,

'Abang, kalo nak ngorat pun tunggulah pas abes tgk sepi ni! Saya tak ke mana pun selagi citer ni tak abes...'

eeee, geram betul!