Tuesday, May 6, 2008

1 day of love :)

30 days have gone just like a passing breeze. kejap gila eh?

but love doesn't have to stop there, does it?

i still smile seperti orang yang kemerengan whenever some 'images' of some 'things' invaded my head in a sudden. and i tried as hard as i could to laugh discreetly tapi adakah aku berjaya? sudah tentu tidaaaaakkk!!!

for the past 30 days, i have reach a certain level where i went against all the odds and que sera, sera, for whatever will be, will just be.

i'm not really a romantic person. i don't exactly know what to say, what to do, how to impress the person i adore so much and how to show him that he means more than anything else in this entire universe, to me.

but he should know how special he is, even when he's left with one front-teeth (ya rabbi :p). this is how i knew that i love him so damn much, because although he has that scary side of him, i am still able to think of another thousand ways on how to love this man for who he is.

and so my friends, this is the end of my mushiness entry, in this particular blog. but no promises though. he he. i am an expressive human being. this is how i appreciate life and such. people may not see this as i do, but i'm fine with subjectivity.

for love is not for a day. and hello there, i love you. yes i do.

- the end -

1 style(s):

Cik Cah said...

i love you too... :D