Sunday, April 20, 2008

17 days of love

dearest you,

tak apa lah kalau you tak perfect. if semua orang dalam dunia ni perfect, maknanya angga or reymee tu kat hujung jari i jelah. and i'm no angelina jolie or nicole kidman pun.

but trust me, if perfection is all i seek, i won't be saying how i feel about you in the first place. and love is a cosmic thing. that, i know for sure.

i have never been this precise tau. the next step is totally your call. any other way pun is fine with me. and for the whole entire journey of mine last night, while listening to that maliq's song, i saw only one face in my head and it made me smile and smile and smile.

to tell you the truth, this is the sort of conversation that i usually avoid because huh.. hmm. i'm not that fond of admitting what i feel. in this case, lagi laaaaaa.

so yeah. never say that this is going to be easy but since it's the path that i choose to walk on, i better gear up for every season then - be it winter, summer, autumn or fall. or you nak tambah apa-apa season ribut tahap petala kelapan? silakan. he he.

it's ok if you don't feel the same way. you still make me smile no matter what. and that's what matters :)

i may not know you thru-and-thru but what i know for now is enough for me to see how incredible you are. other people may not see you the same way so tu lantak la kat diorang kan. my story anyway hahahaha gila eksyen :p

how long this will last? for as long as it's there. kalau i'm going through this by myself, sooner or later i'll have to let you go and move on. if vice versa, hehehehe insya-Allah. tersengih-sengih la i hari-hari.

love. is weird. haih.

by the way, macam biasa, happy becoming birthday. you are in my prayer. always..

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