Thursday, April 10, 2008

26 days of love

ehem ehem.

kitorang ada sports activity lepas kerja tadi so of course la seronok kan. hehe. we played volley ball walaupun aku langsung lah tak reti main. harem jek. hahaha. tetapi, ehem ehem, i was in the same team as bachelor number two.

peh and he was so damn good.
aku macam kagum.
dan terpesona (what the??!!).

and of course, our team won. wuhu!

lepas main, a few of us went for lepak dan minum kat terminal. ha including mr. bachelor number two. alahai.. his eyes were like so deep and bila dia tengok kita rasa macam terbakar (hahaha ok this part i exaggerate la kan).

dia tak la hensem but the way he carries himself is just so attractive in a way. patut la dia jejaka hot kat office.

dah la belanja kami minum tadi. hihihi. takpelah. aku ngoratkan untuk si d.n. la ek. macam sesuwai je. kih kih kih.

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