Wednesday, April 23, 2008

oh god. it's 1 a.m. and i am trying to crack my head real hard here so that i can finish my work and go to sleep (plus it's raining and cold, oh my *sigh*).

some of us, yes, are not at our best. and some of us, hmm, are pretending real hard to be at our best. well, one way or another, prozac seems to be a very good idea at this moment, am i wrong?

nah. just a stupid late-night joke.

but just look at us now, girls. we've grown up, facing whatever there is in our lives, hoping for the best out of it and we're back on track. i know. we're those women who can never possibly end our drama just like that. you know what i mean?

every each of us. i swear that we're like in a movie or something :p. not sex & the city. though i would kill anything to have carrie's manolo blahnik. hi hi. we're just women; with needs, dreams, expectations & love.

it's ok to fall in love. or even to fall out of love. it happens. it's ok to fail in life, as success actually comes from it. it's ok if you suck in doing what you do. and it sure is ok if people just don't get us. i mean hey, never in a million years, they will find other women like us. that's why we're stuck with each other :p (ok la tu kan? hihihi)

my point is, don't worry. for every tragedy that befalls on each of us, we're going to make it. have faith. everything takes time. we just have to lay back, keep being ourselves, keep smiling and insyaAllah.. if it's God's will, the table will turn. mark my word :)

truth to be told, i fall into that 'pretending' category. because i've promised myself not to get carried away with my emotions. gonna stay cool no matter what. walaupun kegelabahan tu tetap menjadi trademark. hahahahahahaha!

korang jangan sedih-sedih ek. kita kan ada. nanti kita bawak korang makan eskrem.

ok lah. kerja tak siap-siap lagi. dah la takde idea. mata dah berat. katil dah panggil-panggil. esok konfem muka hancur. mata menjadi semakin sepet. adeh..

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